Mitsubishi Electronics FX5 Universal Remote User Manual

9.8 Examples of Program
Program example 3
This is an example of the sample program for auto tuning (step response method).
Use device
The content of the devices used for the program is as follows.
: This is an item not occupied.
*1 The setting is always necessary.
*2 When CH1 is used.
Item Device Setting value
During auto-tuning During PID control
Target value (SV)
(s1) D500 5000 (50.0) Not used
Measured value (PV)
(s2) SD6022 According to input value Not used
Parameter Sampling time (TS)
(s3) D510 500 (500 ms) Not used
Operation setting
Operation direction
(s3)+1 b0 D511.0 According to auto-tuning
Not used
Input variation alarm (s3)+1 b1 D511.1 0 (Alarm is not provided) Not used
Output variation alarm (s3)+1 b2 D511.2 0 (Alarm is not provided) Not used
Auto-tuning (s3)+1 b4 D511.4 1 (AT is provided) Not used
Upper and lower limits of
output value
(s3)+1 b5 D511.5 0 (Setting is not provided) Not used
Select auto-tuning mode (s3)+1 b6 D511.6 0 (Step response method) Not used
Input filter constant () (s3)+2 D512 0 (Input filter is not
Not used
Proportional gain (KP)
(s3)+3 D513 According to auto-tuning
Not used
Integral time (TI)
(s3)+4 D514 According to auto-tuning
Not used
Differential gain (KD) (s3)+5 D515 0 (Differential gain is not
Not used
Differential time (TD)
(s3)+6 D516 According to auto-tuning
Not used
Input variation (incremental) alarm set value (s3)+20 D530 Not used Not used
Input variation (decremental) alarm set value (s3)+21 D531 Not used Not used
Output variation (incremental) alarm set value
Output upper limit set value
(s3)+22 D532 Not used Not used
Output variation (decremental) alarm set value
Output lower limit set value
(s3)+23 D533 Not used Not used
Alarm output Input variation (incremental) is
(s3)+24 b0 D534.0 Not used Not used
Input variation (decremental)
is exceeded
(s3)+24 b1 D534.1 Not used Not used
Output variation (incremental)
is exceeded
(s3)+24 b2 D534.2 Not used Not used
Output variation (decremental)
is exceeded
(s3)+24 b3 D534.3 Not used Not used
PV value threshold (hysteresis) width (SHPV) (s3)+25 D535 Not used
Output value upper limit (ULV) (s3)+26 D536 Not used
Output value lower limit (LLV) (s3)+27 D537 Not used
Wait setting from end of tuning cycle to start of PID
control (KW)
(s3)+28 D538 Not used
Output value (MV)
(d) D502 1800 (1.8 second) Not used