Mitsubishi Electronics FX5 Universal Remote User Manual

9.5 Parameter
9.5 Parameter
*1 (s3)+20 to +24 become used only if b1, b2, or b5 are set to "1" to determine the action (ACT) (s3) of +1.
Set item Description/Setting range Remarks
(s3) Sampling time (TS) 1 to 32767 (ms) It cannot be shorter than operation cycle of the PLC.
(s3)+1 Operation setting
b0 0: Forward operation
1: Backward operation
Operation direction
b1 0: Input variation alarm is invalid
1: Input variation alarm is valid
b2 0: Output variation alarm is invalid
1: Output variation alarm is valid
Do not set b2 and b5 to ON at the same time.
b3 Not used
b4 0: Auto-tuning is not executed.
1: Auto-tuning is executed
b5 0: Upper and lower limits of output value are not
1: Upper and lower limits of output value are valid
Do not set b2 and b5 to ON at the same time.
b6 0: Step response method
1: Limit cycle method
Select auto-tuning mode.
b7 to b15 Not used
(s3)+2 Input filter constant () 0 to 99 [%] When "0" is set, input filter is not provided.
(s3)+3 Proportional gain (KP) 1 to 32767 [%]
(s3)+4 Integral time (TI) 0 to 32767 [100 ms] When "0" is set, it is handled as "" (no integration).
(s3)+5 Differential gain (KD) 0 to 100 [%] When "0" is set, differential gain is not provided.
(s3)+6 Differential time (TD) 0 to 32767 [10 ms] When "0" is set, differential is not executed.
(s3)+7 to
These devices are occupied for internal processing of PID operation. Do not change data.
Input variation (incremental)
alarm set value
0 to 32767 It is valid when operation setting (ACT) (b1 of (s3)+1) is
Input variation (decremental)
alarm set value
0 to 32767 It is valid when operation setting (ACT) (b1 of (s3)+1) is
Output variation (incremental)
alarm set value
0 to 32767 It is valid when operation setting (ACT) (b2 of (s3)+1) is
"1" and (ACT) (b5 of (s3)+1) is "0".
Output upper limit set value -32768 to +32767 It is valid when operation setting (ACT) (b2 of (s3)+1) is
"0" and (ACT) (b5 of (s3)+1) is "1".
Output variation (decremental)
alarm set value
0 to 32767 It is valid when operation setting (ACT) (b2 of (s3)+1) is
"1" and (ACT) (b5 of (s3)+1) is "0".
Output lower limit set value -32768 to +32767 It is valid when operation setting (ACT) (b2 of (s3)+1) is
"0" and (ACT) (b5 of (s3)+1) is "1".
Alarm output b0 0: Input variation (incremental) is not exceeded.
1: Input variation (incremental) is exceeded.
It is valid when operation setting (ACT) (b1 or b2 of
(s3)+1) is "1".
b1 0: Input variation (decremental) is not exceeded.
1: Input variation (decremental) is exceeded.
b2 0: Output variation (incremental) is not exceeded.
1: Output variation (incremental) is exceeded.
b3 0: Output variation (decremental) is not exceeded.
1: Output variation (decremental) is exceeded.
(s3)+25 PV value threshold
(hysteresis) width (SHPV)
Set it according to measured value (PV)
The setting below is required when the limit cycle method
is used (when the operation setting (ACT) b6 is set to
(s3)+26 Output value upper limit (ULV) Set maximum value (ULV) of output value (MV).
(s3)+27 Output value lower limit (LLV) Set minimum value (LLV) of output value (MV).
(s3)+28 Wait setting from end of tuning
cycle to start of PID control
-50 to +32717 [%]