Mitsubishi Electronics FX5 Universal Remote User Manual

21.1 List of Devices
This chapter explains devices.
21.1 List of Devices
A list of devices is provided below.
Specify code of timer/retentive timer/counter/long counter by T/ST/C/LC if type is determined like instruction
when specifying device. If type is not determined, specify by code from among contact, coil or current value
according to type. Current value can however also be specified by T/ST/C/LC.
Division Type Device name Symbol Notation
User device Bit Input X Octal
Bit Output Y Octal
Bit Internal relay M Decimal
Bit Latch relay L Decimal
Bit Link relay B Hexadecimal
Bit Annunciator F Decimal
Bit Link special relay SB Hexadecimal
Bit Step relay S Decimal
Bit/word Timer T (Contact: TS, Coil: TC, Current value: TN) Decimal
Bit/word Retentive timer ST (Contact: STS, Coil: STC, Current value: STN) Decimal
Bit/word Counter C (Contact: CS, Coil: CC, Current value: CN) Decimal
Bit/Double word Long counter LC (Contact: LCS, Coil: LCC, Current value: LCN) Decimal
Word Data register D Decimal
Word Link register W Hexadecimal
Word Link special register SW Hexadecimal
System device Bit Special relay SM Decimal
Word Special register SD Decimal
Module access device
Word Module access device G Decimal
Index register Word Index register Z Decimal
Double word Long index register LZ Decimal
File registers Word File registers R Decimal
Nesting Nesting N Decimal
Pointer Pointer P Decimal
Interrupt pointer I Decimal
Constant Decimal constant K Decimal
Hexadecimal constant H Hexadecimal
Real constant E
Character string constant 