Mitsubishi Electronics FX5 Universal Remote User Manual

20.2 Analog Input/Output Specifications
List of analog input functions
List of analog output functions
List of Functions Description
Function to enable/disable A/D conversion Function to enable or disable A/D conversion per channel.
The conversion process time can be reduced by disabling conversion for unused channels.
A/D conversion
Sampling processing Method of converting each analog input at END processing to generate the equivalent digital output.
Count average Method of averaging the count of A/D conversion values and outputting these average values as the digital
Time average Method of averaging the time of A/D conversion values and outputting these average values as the digital
Moving average Method of averaging the analog input for a specified count measured at every END process, and outputting
these average values as the digital signal.
Function to detect over-scale Function to detect analog input values that are over a specified range.
Scaling function Function that converts user-defined maximum and minimum digital values in accordance with a configured
Shift function Function that adds a specified amount to the A/D conversion value.
Fine adjustments during system startup can be easily performed.
Digital clipping function Function that specifies the maximum A/D conversion value as 4000 and the minimum value as 0 when
voltage is input that exceeds the input range.
Function to hold minimum and maximum values Function that holds the minimum and maximum digital operation values.
Warning output function Function to output warning when digital operation values exceed the specified range.
List of Functions Description
Function to enable/disable D/A conversion Function to enable or disable D/A conversion.
When analog output is not used, the conversion process time can be reduced by disabling conversion.
Function to enable/disable D/A output Specifies whether to output the D/A conversion value or output an offset value (HOLD setting value).
Scaling function Function that converts user-defined maximum and minimum digital values in accordance with a configured
Shift function Function that adds a specified amount to the digital value.
Fine adjustments during system startup can be easily performed.
Function to HOLD/CLEAR the analog output Sets the digital value before D/A conversion to the previous value or clears the value (0) depending on the
operation status of the CPU module (RUN, STOP, and STOP error).
Analog test when the CPU module has stopped Outputs a user-defined analog value by setting the output enable/disable flag to enabled when the CPU
module is stopped, and changing the digital value.
Warning output function Function to output warning when digital values exceed the specified range.