Configuring an M2UA System on a Media Gateway Controller 159
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 5 • Configuring SIGTRAN Applications
Creating MTP3 Links (M2UA)
After you have created an MTP3 linkset, you must create MT
P3 links for your system. An MTP3 link is used
to connect with a M2UA link; they are connected in a one-to-one fashion.
To create an MTP3 link on your M2UA system:
1. Cl
ick Create New Mtp3 Link in the MTP3 linkset configuration window:
Figure 251. MTP3 Links
2. Configure the new MTP3 link:
–Enter a na
me for the link
–Under Typ
e of link to bind, select M2UA
– Select an M2
UA link
–Click Cre
Figure 252. Creating the New MTP3 (M2UA) Link
3. Verify that the "Mtp3Link was successfully created" message displays:
Figure 253. Successful MTP3 Link Message
Understanding Parameters for MTP3 (M2UA) Links
Table 55. Configuration Parameters for New MTP3 (M2UA) Links
Parameter Description
Name Used by the Web Portal to indicate a specific object or string in the system
Type of Link to Bind Indicates the type of link to bind when creating an MTP3 link
Possible values: MTP2/M2PA/M2UA
M2UA Link Selects an M2UA link to bind to an object