Working with Configurations 33
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 1 • Getting Started with the Web Portal
Activating the Configuration
Changes made to the configuration of the Smart Media uni
ts are stored on the OAM&P Configuration and
Logging database. In order for changes to be used by the system, they must first be activated. This is done at
the system level and accessed from the Navigation panel.
To activate a configuration, you must be the Root user or have a user access
level of 0.
1. Se
lect Systems from the navigation panel.
Figure 23. Global > Systems
2. Click Edit next to the system you wish to activate,in order to access the System Configuration screen.
Figure 24. System List
3. Activate the configuration. Enter a name for the system. Under Activate Configuration: Select a Config-
uration on which to run the system. Click A
Make certain that Lock Active Configuration box (located at the top of the
page) is 'unchecked.’ Failure to do so will prevent the configuration from
being saved.
Figure 25. Name and Activate Configuration