Chapter 6-Reservations
5 Adjust the new reservation’s schedule by modifying the fields as
described in Table 6-3.
Table 6-3 New Reservation – Schedule Tab
Field Description
Start Time Select the Start Time
of the Reservation.
The Start/End Times of the
Reservation are initially taken from
the time slot selected in the
Reservation Calendar.
The Start/End Times can be
adjusted by typing in the hours and
minutes fields or by clicking the
arrow buttons.
The Start/End dates can be
adjusted by typing in the date field
or by clicking the arrow buttons or
using the calendar.
End Time settings are initially
calculated as Start Time +
Duration. End Time settings are
recalculated if Start Time settings
are changed.
Changes to End Time settings do
not affect Start Time settings.
However, the Duration of the
Reservation is recalculated.
End Time Select the End Time
of the Reservation.
Select this option to set up a Recurring Reservation - a
series of Reservations to be repeated on a regular basis.
To create a recurring reservation, you must define a time
period and a recurrence pattern of how often the
Reservation should occur: Daily, Weekly or Monthly.