Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
The System Information properties box displays the following
Table 16-12 System Information
Field Description
Total Number of Video
(CIF) Participants
Displays the number of CIF video participants
licensed for the system.
RMX Version Displays the System Software Version of the
ISDN/PSTN The field value indicates whether RTM ISDN/
PSTN hardware has been detected in the
Range: True / False
Encryption The field value indicates whether Encryption is
included in the MCU license. Encryption is not
available in all countries.
Range: True / False
Telepresence Mode The field value indicates whether the system is
licensed to work with RPX and TPX
Telepresence room systems.
Range: True / False
Serial Number Displays the Serial Number of the RMX.
Polycom Partners The field value indicates that the System
Software contains features for the support of
specific Polycom Partner environments.
Memory Size [MB] This field indicates the RMX system memory
size in MBytes.
Possible values:
• 1000 MB – The RMX can support a
maximum of 800 simultaneous participant
calls (if configured with two MPM+ cards).
• 500 MB – The RMX can support a
maximum of 400 simultaneous voice calls
and 120 CIF video calls. This limitation
applies to RMX’s configured with either
MPM or MPM+ cards.