Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
Recording Link
The name of the Recording Link.
Recording Link ID The Recording Link ID.
Start Recording
The start recording policy, as follows:
1 - Start recording automatically as soon as the first
participant connects to the conference.
2 - Start recording when requested by the conference
chairperson via DTMF codes or from the RMX Web
Client, or when the operator starts recording from the
RMX Web Client.
Table C-25 Event Fields for Event 28 - SIP PRIVATE EXTENSIONS
Field Description
Participant Name The name of the participant.
Participant ID The participant’s identification number as assigned by
the system.
Called Participant
The called participant ID.
Asserted Identity The identity of the user sending a SIP message as it was
verified by authentication.
Charging Vector A collection of charging information.
Preferred Identity The identity the user sending the SIP message wishes to
be used for the P-Asserted-Header field that the trusted
element will insert.
Table C-24 Event fields for Event 26 - RECORDING LINK (Continued)
Field Description