Appendix H-Setting the RMX for Integration Into Microsoft OCS Environment
2 Scroll to the flag MS_ENVIRONMENT and click it.
The Edit Flag dialog box is displayed.
3 In the Value field, enter YES to set the RMX SIP environment to
Microsoft solution.
4 Click OK to complete the flag definition.
5 When prompted, click Yes to reset the MCU and implement the
changes to the system configuration. After system reset the RMX can
register to the OCS server and make SIP calls.
In some configurations, the following flags may require modifications
when MS_ENVIRONMENT flag is set to YES:
RMX set to MS_ENVIRONMENT=YES supports SIP over TLS only and not
over TCP.
Sometimes the system fails to read the *.pfx file and the conversion process
fails, which is indicated by the active alarm “SIP TLS: Registration server not
responding” and/or “SIP TLS: Registration handshake failure”. Sending *.pfx file
again, as described in this procedure and then resetting the system may resolve
the problem.
Table H-1 Additional Microsoft Environment Flags in the RMX
Flag Name Value and Description
SIP_FREE_VIDEO_RESOURCES Default value in Microsoft environment:
When set to NO, video resources that
were allocated to participants remain
allocated to the participants as long as
they are connected to the conference
even if the call was changed to audio
only. The system does not allocate the
resources to other participants ensuring
that the participant have the appropriate
resources in case they want to return to
the video call.