Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File
Secondary Cause
15 - Video stream violation due to incompatible annexes
or other discrepancy.
16 - Inadequate video resources
17 - When moved to a Transcoding or Video Switching
conference, the participant’s video capabilities are not
supported by the video cards
18 - Video connection could not be established
24 - The endpoint closed its video channels
25 - The participant video settings are not compatible
with the conference protocol
26 - The endpoint could not re-open the video channel
after the conference video mode was changed
27 - The gatekeeper approved a lower bandwidth than
28 - Video connection for the SIP participant is
temporarily unavailable
29 - AVF problem. Insufficient bandwidth.
30 - H2.39 bandwidth mismatch
255 - Other
Table C-12 Event Fields for Event 7 - PARTICIPANT DISCONNECTED
Field Description
Participant Name The name of the participant.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by
the MCU.
Call Disconnection
The disconnection cause. For more information about
possible values, see Table C-35, “Disconnection Cause
Values”, on page C-55.
Q931 Disconnect
If the disconnection cause is “No Network Connection”
or “Participant Hang Up”, then this field indicates the
Q931 disconnect cause.
Table C-11 Event fields for Event 5 - ISDN/PSTN PARTICIPANT
CONNECTED (Continued)
Field Description