Mitsubishi Electronics FX3G Universal Remote User Manual

19 Display Module (FX3G-5DM)
Series Programmable Controllers
User's Manual - Hardware Edition
19.4 Procedure for Accessing the Menu Screen from the Title Screen
19.4 Procedure for Accessing the Menu Screen from the Title Screen
All operation explanations and display screen examples in this manual are in English. When the menu display
language is set to Japanese, please convert the screen messages to their Japanese translations.
Refer to Section 19.20 for the Japanese and English display character correspondence table.
Refer to Section 19.8 for menu display language setting.
19.4.1 Title screen
The screen shown at right is displayed for 1.5 seconds after the power
is turned on.
19.4.2 Top screen (time display)
Following the title screen display, the "Current Time screen" is then
The specified device monitor screen is displayed instead when the specified device monitor function is used.
Refer to Section 19.14 for details of the specified device monitor function.
Although the year displays in a 2-digit format (08), this can be changed to a 4-digit format (2008) by revising
the program.
Refer to Subsection 19.10.3 for the 2-digit year to 4-digit year change procedure.
19.4.3 Menu screen
As shown in the figure at right, the menu screen displays 4 lines of the
total menu. Press the [+] button to scroll downward through the menu.
Button operations at this menu screen are explained below.
Model name
Button Operation Description
ESC Returns to the "top screen" (time display).
Scrolls upward through the menu.
Hold for 1 second or longer for high-speed scrolling.
This button is disabled when the cursor is located at the beginning of the
Scrolls downward through the menu.
Hold for 1 second or longer for high-speed scrolling.
This button is disabled when the cursor is located at the end of the menu.
OK Selects the item where the cursor is blinking.
FX3G Se r i es
Ver 1 . 10
01. 0.08
23:59:59( )Wed
Con t r as t
Er rorCheck
Cl ockMenu
Keywor d
Casse t t e
Mon i t o r / Tes t