Yamaha SU700 Home Theater Server User Manual

Chapter 5 Samples and Sampling 151
Sampling Parameters
SU700 samples are characterized by three parameters: sampling frequency, bit reso-
lution, and format (stereo or monaural). If you are recording a sample from an ana-
log source, you can set values for each of these parameters. If you are recording a
digital signal, the values are fixed at time of recording (in accordance with the source
signal) but can be changed later using the SAMPLE | PROCESS jobs ( p.262).
Sampling Frequency
The rate at which digital readings are taken is referred to as the sampling rate or
sampling frequency. A conventional audio CD uses a sampling frequency of 44.1kHz
(44,100 readings per second). The SU700 supports frequencies of 44.1, 22.05, and
11.025 kHz frequencies. Note that higher frequencies produce higher-fidelity sound
reproduction, but also consume a greater quantity of sampling memory.
Actual Wave Recorded at High Freq Recorded at Low Freq
Bit Resolution
The precision of each reading is restricted by the number of bits used to record the
value. A conventional audio CD uses 16 bits to store each value. The SU700 allows
you to choose a resolution of either 16 bits or 8 bits. Again, the higher resolution
provides higher-fidelity recording, while the lower resolution cuts memory con-
sumption in half.
The SU700 supports both stereo and monaural samples.
Sample Editing
You can use the various SAMPLE jobs to edit the samples that have recorded or im-
ported into the SU700. Editing capabilities are outlined below; for more detailed in-
formation, refer to the indicated pages.