Yamaha SU700 Home Theater Server User Manual

Chapter 10 Jobs 253
Use to: Insert one or more measures into the current song, or to delete one or
more measures from the song, or to take a copy of sequence data and
write it (one or more times) into the specified location of the same
track or of a different track of the same type.
Three jobs are available.
ADD MEASURES Inserts one or more empty measures into the selected
song, at any selected time meter (1/4,...,4/4).
DELETE MEASURES Deletes one or more measures from the selected song.
COPY MEASURES Takes a copy of sequence data from specified measures
of a track, and writes one or more of these copies at the
specified measure location of the same track or of a dif-
ferent track of the same type.
This job adds one or more empty measures to the selected song. These measures are
added to all 42 tracks.
When carrying out this job, you must set the following three parameters.
Insertion point: The measure position at which new measures are to be in-
serted. For example, a setting of M003 means that you are
inserting new measures starting at measure 3.
Number of measures: The number of measures to insert. You can insert any-
where from 1 to 999 measures.
Meter: The meter (the beats per measure) for the new measures.
You can set this to 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, or 4/4.
Notice that you can use this feature to set up songs with nonstandard meters. If you
want to set up a waltz sequence, for example, then you can insert a large number of
3/4 measures at the beginning of an unrecorded sequence, and then proceed to
record a waltz.