Chapter 2 Tutorial 39
Use this knob to adjust
the volume.
Playing the Demo
■ You’re now ready to play the song.
Press the sequencer start button ( ) to begin playback of the song.
Adjust the volume by turning the MASTER VOLUME knob.
You can stop playback by pressing the stop button ( ).
You can jump back to the top of the song by pressing .
● Reading the display
Track Bank Indicates the currently selected bank.
Song number Indicates the song number of the currently selected song. (The
SU700 stores up to 20 songs, each identified by a number.)
Song name Name of the currently selected song. (Each song takes a name of
up to eight alphanumeric characters.)
Track Data Shows information about tracks in the currently selected bank.
Brackets (
) indicate that track is not muted. (Brackets disap-
pear if you mute the track.) The bar meters (track meters) indicate
the value on each track for the selected knob setting. (Under fac-
tory defaults, the meters indicate the LEVEL setting.)
Song Location Indicates the current location in the song, by measure and beat.
BPM Indicates the song’s playback tempo, in beats per minute.
Track bank
Song number Song name
Song location
Track data BPM (tempo)