Chapter 10 Jobs 281
10.3.7 DISK Group
Use these jobs to load data from disk, save data to disk, delete data existing on disk,
format disks, and review information about disks.
What The Jobs Do
LOAD Loads data from disk.
SAVE Saves data to disk
DELETE Deletes volume from SCSI disk.
UTILITY Returns disk information; formats the disk
In its standard configuration, the SU700 can access the floppy drive only. If you have in-
stalled the optional SCSI board (ASIB1) board, then the SU700 can access both the floppy
drive and a single mounted SCSI drive. For information about the SU700’s disk storage
implementation, see page 138.
Use to: Load selected data from disk.
Use these jobs to load the selected data from disk. Three types of loading are avail-
Load Volume: Loads entire set of SU700 song data
Load Sample: Loads a single SU700 sample.
Import: Loads sample data created by a device other than the SU700.
This job loads all data from the selected volume into the SU700. A volume is an en-
tire set of SU700 song data-all songs existing within the SU700 at the time the vol-
ume was saved to disk. The load restores all songs to their original song numbers.
For each song, it restores all samples, all sequence data, all scene data, all marker
data, all track settings, the song’s name, and the song’s BPM setting at the time of
the save.
Be aware that this operation overwrites all song data currently held in the SU700 memory. If
the SU700 contains any song data that you wish to keep, be sure to save the data before pro-