Yamaha SU700 Home Theater Server User Manual

Chapter 8 Knob Functions
210 Chapter 8 Knob Functions
The SU700 provides one filter for each sample track. This group lets you dynamically
adjust each filter’s cutoff frequency and resonance. Note that the filter type itself is set
by the TRACK SET | FILTER TYPE job ( p.233).
Range: 000 to 127
Default: 127
Works on: Sample tracks
Adjusts the filter’s cutoff frequency. Higher values raise the cutoff frequency, while
lower values reduce the frequency.
The sound changes produced by this adjustment will depend on the filter type se-
lected by the TRACK SET | FILTER TYPE job. Filter types (and their relation to cut-
off frequencies) are illustrated on page 233.
Range: 000 to 127
Default: 016
Works on: Sample tracks
Filter resonance refers to an increase in the sound level in the vicinity of the cutoff fre-
quency. Higher settings will increase the level in this vicinity, adding emphasis to the
sound in the area of the cutoff. Set the value to 000 if you do not want to add any
The following illustration shows how resonance operates when the filter type is set to
LPF (low-pass filter).
Cutoff Frequency