Yamaha SU700 Home Theater Server User Manual

344 Effect Parameter List
1 Reverb Time REVTIME 0,...,69 Reverb length
2 LPF Cutoff Freq. LPF FRQ 34,...,60 Frequency at which the low pass filter will
cut the high range
3 HPF Cutoff Freq. HPF FRQ 0,...,52 Frequency at which the high pass filter will
cut the low range
4 Er/Rev Balance ER/REV Level balance of the early reflections and
the reverberation
5 Diffusion DUFFUSN 0,...,10 Spread of the reverb
1 Reverb Time REVTIME 0,...,69 Reverb length
2 LPF Cutoff Freq. LPF FRQ 34,...,60 Frequency at which the low pass filter will
cut the high range
3 HPF Cutoff Freq. HPF FRQ 0,...,52 Frequency at which the high pass filter will
cut the low range
4 Er/Rev Balance ER/REV Level balance of the early reflections and
the reverberation
5 Diffusion DUFFUSN 0,...,10 Spread of the reverb
1 Reverb Time REVTIME 0,...,69 Reverb length
2 LPF Cutoff Freq. LPF FRQ 34,...,60 Frequency at which the low pass filter will
cut the high range
3 HPF Cutoff Freq. HPF FRQ 0,...,52 Frequency at which the high pass filter will
cut the low range
4 Er/Rev Balance ER/REV Level balance of the early reflections and
the reverberation
5 Diffusion DUFFUSN 0,...,10 Spread of the reverb
1 Reverb Time REVTIME 0,...,69 Reverb length
2 LPF Cutoff Freq. LPF FRQ 34,...,60 Frequency at which the low pass filter will
cut the high range
3 HPF Cutoff Freq. HPF FRQ 0,...,52 Frequency at which the high pass filter will
cut the low range
4 Er/Rev Balance ER/REV Level balance of the early reflections and
the reverberation
5 Diffusion DUFFUSN 0,...,10 Spread of the reverb