Yamaha SU700 Home Theater Server User Manual

Chapter 10 Jobs
300 Chapter 10 Jobs
Press SYSTEM | SETUP to enter this job. Then turn the dial as necessary to select
COUNTDOWN, and press [OK].
Turn the dial to set the value to 00, 01, or 02.
Press [OK] to return to the main screen, or press [CANCEL] to move back one level.
Use this job to set the recording method for song recording. Two modes are available,
as follows. The factory default setting is REPLACE.
REPLACE Entry of a event during a recording pass automatically deletes any
events of the same type that were recorded during previous passes.
Deletion is track-specific (events only cause deletion of events on the
same track) and is limited to the area of the recording pass (see ex-
planation below).
OVERDUB Newly recorded events are added to previously recorded events.
Supplementary Explanation of Replace Mode
Each knob function and each pad function is recognized as a separate event type.
Ribbon scratch and scene-recall are also separate event types.
As an example of operation, assume that you previously recorded a 20 measure song
(measures 001:1 to 020:4). The song includes a COMPOSED LOOP track with re-
corded knob-level events, knob-pan events, and note events. It also includes some
scene-recall events (which are always stored on the MASTER track).
Assume that you now record a new pass over measures 1 to 10 of this song, and dur-
ing this pass you enter one knob-level event and one note-event on the COMPOSED
LOOP track, and you also enter one scene-recall. The result is as follows.
The new knob-level event causes deletion of all previous knob-level events over
measures 1 to 10 of the track.
The new note-event causes deletion of all note events recorded on measures of 1 to
10 of the track. Since this is a COMPOSED LOOP track, this deletion changes the
loop phrase itself.
The new scene-recall event causes deletion of all previous scene-recall events over
measures 1 to 10. (This is because all scene-recall events are stored on the same
track-the MASTER track.)
All previously recorded knob-pan events remain unchanged (since you did not
record any new events of this type.)
All events previously recorded on measures 10 to 20 remain unchanged.