Chapter 2 Tutorial
74 Chapter 2 Tutorial
■ Storing the mute settings of each block to a scene button
Let’s store the mute settings of the tracks for each song block to a scene button.
● Intro A = scene button [TOP]
● Ending B = scene button [G]
Intro A and Ending B have the same mute settings.
We will defeat muting only for the FREE 1–4 tracks of track bank [2], and mute all
the other tracks.
The same settings will be stored to scene buttons [TOP] and [G].
The settings of the [TOP] button are automatically written at the beginning of the song
even if you do not record any sequence data. When you start from the beginning of the
song, the settings of the [TOP] scene will always be used.
Since the [TOP] scene is a special case, we will store its settings in another scene button
even though they are identical.
BANK 1 2 1234 1234
[1] × × ×××× ××××
[2] × × ××××
Press the PAD FUNCTION [ON/MUTE] button.
Press the MASTER track pad to mute all tracks.
The bracket display (
) of all tracks will go dark.All track banks [1]-[4] will be
Press the TRACK BANK [2] button to select track bank [2], and press the FREE 1–4
track pads to un-mute them.
The bracket display (
) of the FREE 1–4 tracks will reappear.