4INTUITY AUDIX digital networking
Change local machine’s information
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 221
November 2003
4 Press F7 [NextPage].
The system displays the Machine Profile screen for a remote machine, page 2:
Start Ext. A 3- to10-digit
Enter the starting extensions for the ranges of telephone
numbers used on the local system. (Designate a block of
switch extensions that can be used at the local system
when assigning users.)
For example, if your system uses extensions between
2000 and 3000, enter 2000 in the Start Ext. field.
Up to 10 different ranges can be specified to pinpoint the
exact set of extension blocks used by the local system.
The length of the start and end extension must agree with
the Extension Length field. For a 5-digit extension, the
default is 00000 to 99999.
End Ext. A 3- to10-digit
Enter the ending extensions for the ranges of telephone
numbers used on the local system.
For example, if your system uses extensions between
2000 and 3000, enter 3000 in the End Ext. field.
Warnings Display only This field displays a warning when a duplication or
overlap of an extension range for another machine is
being assigned.
Table 32: Field definitions; remote machine profile screen, page 1, 2 of 2
Field Valid input Description
2 of 2