6 Hardware additions
Add IP trunk
230 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
Add IP trunk
For IP Media Processor set up instructions, refer to Administration for Network Connectivity for Avaya
Communication Manager (555-233-504).
Add remote office
S8100 can connect to the Avaya R300 Remote Office Communicator (Avaya R300) in a remote office
configuration. Avaya R300 operates like a simple switch at the remote site for connections made between
remote stations, as well as between remote stations and local access trunks. It receives incoming PSTN
dialed data calls and terminates them on the correct data modem.
Using a standard 25-pair cable, you can connect Avaya R300 to a 110 punch-down wall field. Avaya
R300 connects to a set of harmonica adapters by way of a cable that adapts between the connection on the
circuit pack and the harmonica adapter and uses phantom power to power every analog and DCP
For information about installing and administering Avaya R300 Communicator, see Getting Started with
the Avaya R300 Remote Office (555-233-769) and MAX 3000 Installation and Basic Configuration Guide
Add C-LAN functionality
IP Softphone is available with S8100. In addition, corresident C-LAN functionality can be optionally
purchased. The S8100 WIndows 2000 LAN interface may be used in place of the C-LAN circuit pack for
those cases where DS1 capability through the C-LAN is not required. DCS using DS1 will still be
supported via a separate C-LAN. The Windows LAN interface (corresident C-LAN) will also be used to
connect CMS, BCMS Vu, and CentreVu-CT. See the Overview for the Avaya S8100 Media Server with
the Avaya G600 and CMC1 Media Gateways (555-233-231).
Add a TN799DP C-LAN circuit pack
The TN799DP version of C-LAN is required for the use of IP Softphones.
To add a TN799DP C-LAN circuit pack, complete the following procedures:
• Install the TN799DP
• Test the External Connection to the LAN
• Administer the TN799DP on the SAT