Mitsubishi Electronics IB-1500193(ENG)-D Home Theater Server User Manual

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3 Setup
bit 7-0 : mtyp(HEX-2,1) Motor type
Set the motor type. Set this with SV017/bitF-C.
For SV017/bitF-C = 1 (200V standard motor series)
HF75 : 01h HP54 : 11h HF-KP13 : E9h (Note 3)
HF105 : 02h HP104 : 12h HF-KP23 : EAh
HF54 : 03h HP154 : 13h HF-KP43 : EBh
HF104 : 04h HP224 : 1Bh HF-KP73 : ECh
HF154 : 05h, 0Fh (Note 1) HP204 : 14h
HF224 : 06h HP354 : 15h
HF204 : 07h HP454 : 16h
HF354 : 08h HP704 : 17h
HF123 : 24h HP903 : 18h
HF223 : 26h, 2Dh (Note 2) HP1103 : 19h
HF303 : 28h
HF453 : 09h
HF703 : 0Ah
HF903 : 0Bh
HF142 : 25h
HF302 : 27h, 2Eh (Note 2)
(Note 1) When MDS-DM-V3 is connected
(Note 2) When MDS-DM-V3 M/S axis is connected
(Note 3) MDS-D-SVJ3 only
For SV017/bitF-C = 3 (400V standard motor series)
HF-H75 : 01h, HP-H54 : 11h
HF-H105 : 02h, HP-H104 : 12h
HF-H54 : 03h, HP-H154 : 13h
HF-H104 : 04h, HP-H204 : 14h
HF-H154 : 05h, HP-H354 : 15h
HP-H454 : 16h
HF-H204 : 07h, HP-H704 : 17h
HF-H354 : 08h, HP-H903 : 18h
HF-H453 : 09h, HP-H1103: 19h
HF-H703 : 0Ah
HF-H903 : 0Bh, HP-H224 : 1Bh
HC-H1502: B9h
For linear motor and direct-drive motor, follow the settings stated in respective materials.
#2226 SV026 OD2 Excessive error detection width during servo OFF
Set the excessive error detection width during servo OFF.
<Standard setting value>
OD1=OD2= (Rapid traverse rate [mm/min]) / (60×PGN1) / 2 [mm]
When set to "0", the excessive error alarm detection will be ignored.
Related parameters: SV023
---Setting range---
0 to 32767 (mm)
However, when SV084/bitC=1, the setting range is from 0 to 32767 (μm).
(Only for MDS-D/DH and MDS-DM)