Mitsubishi Electronics IB-1500193(ENG)-D Home Theater Server User Manual

6 - 18
6 Troubleshooting
Alarm No.
Main side detector: Communication error
An error was detected in communication data with the motor side detector or with the linear scale of a linear
servo system. Or the communication was interrupted.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
Jiggle the detector connectors (drive
unit side and detector side) and check
if they are disconnected.
The connector is disconnected (or
Correctly install.
The connector is not disconnected. Check the investigation item No. 2.
Is the detector cable wired in the same
conduit as the motor's power cable, or
are the two cables laid in parallel near
each other?
The cables are wired near each other.
(Noise is entering from the power ca-
Improve the cable wiring.
The wires are sufficiently separated. Check the investigation item No. 3.
Is the motor FG wire connected only to
the drive unit which drives it?
(Is the motor grounded to one point?)
The motor FG wire is grounded on the
motor side.
Ground the motor to one point, con-
necting the wires together on the drive
unit side.
The motor is grounded to one point. Check the investigation item No. 4.
Turn the power OFF, and check the
detector cable connection with a tes-
ter. (Is the cable shielded?)
The connection is faulty. Replace the detector cable.
The connection is normal. Check the investigation item No. 5.
Replace with another unit, and check
whether the fault is on the unit side or
detector side.
The alarm is on the drive unit side. Replace the drive unit.
The alarm is on the detector side. Check the investigation item No. 6.
Check if there is any abnormality in the
detector's ambient environment.
(Ex. Ambient temperature, noise,
Take remedies according to the causes of the abnormality in the ambient en-
Alarm No.
Over regeneration:
Over-regeneration detection level became over 100%. The regenerative resistor is overloaded.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
Check if the regenerative capacity ex-
ceeds the regenerative resistor tolera-
ble capacity.
The regenerative capacity exceeds
the regenerative resistor tolerable ca-
Add the option regenerative resistor or
replace it.
The regenerative resistor selection is
Check the investigation item No. 2.
Check if the parameter is set incorrect-
ly, and check the values of sv036 and
The parameters are set incorrectly. Change the parameters.
The parameters are correct. Check the investigation item No. 3.
Is an external regenerative resistor
An external regenerative resistor is
Check the investigation item No. 5.
A built-in regenerative resistor is used. Check the investigation item No. 4.
Is the short wire connected between P
and D terminal? Are there any prob-
lems with the connection condition?
The wire is not connected. Connect the wire.
The connector is disconnected.
The connector has a contact fault.
Reconnect the connector.
Replace the connector.
Is the connection of the regenerative
resistor or regeneration resistor cable
The connection is incorrect. Rewire.
The connection is correct. Check the investigation item No. 6.
Is the regeneration resistor or the re-
generation resistor cable broken? Dis-
connect the regenerative resistor
terminal and check the resistance val-
ue with a tester.
The regeneration resistor is broken.
Or the resistance value is large.
Replace the regenerative resistor.
The regeneration resistor cable is bro-
Replace the cable.
The resistance value is normal. Check the investigation item No. 7.
Check if the power supply voltage is
too high.
The power supply voltage exceeded
Review the power supply.
The power supply voltage is normal. Replace the drive unit.