Mitsubishi Electronics IB-1500193(ENG)-D Home Theater Server User Manual

3 - 34
3 Setup
#2244 SV044 OBS2 Disturbance observer gain
Set the disturbance observer gain. The standard setting is "100 to 300".
To use the disturbance observer, also set SV037 (JL) and SV043 (OBS1).
When disturbance observer related parameters are changed, lost motion compensation needs to be
Set to "0" when not using.
---Setting range---
0 to 500 (%)
#2245 SV045 TRUB Friction torque
Set the frictional torque when using the collision detection function.
To use load inertia estimation function (drive monitor display), set this parameter, imbalance torque
(SV032) and load inertia display enabling flag (SV035/bitF).
---Setting range---
0 to 255 (Stall current %)
#2246 SV046 FHz2 Notch filter frequency 2
Set the vibration frequency to suppress when machine vibration occurs.
(Normally, do not set 80 or less.)
Set to "0" when not using.
Related parameters: SV033/bit7-5, SV115
---Setting range---
0 to 2250 (Hz)
#2247 SV047 EC Inductive voltage compensation gain
Set the inductive voltage compensation gain. Standard setting value is "100".
If the current FB peak exceeds the current command peak, lower the gain.
---Setting range---
0 to 200 (%)
#2248 SV048 EMGrt Vertical axis drop prevention time
Input the time required to prevent the vertical axis from dropping by delaying READY OFF until the
brake works at an emergency stop.
Increase in increments of 100ms at a time, find and set the value where the axis does not drop.
When using a motor with a break of HF(-H) Series or HP(-H) Series, set to "200ms" as a standard.
When the pull up function is enabled (SV033/bitE=1), the pull up is established during the drop
prevention time.
Related parameters: SV033/bitE, SV055, SV056
---Setting range---
0 to 20000 (ms)
#2249 SV049 PGN1sp Position loop gain 1 in spindle synchronous control
Set the position loop gain during spindle synchronization control (synchronous tapping and
synchronization control with spindle C-axis).
Set the same value as that of the position loop gain for spindle synchronous tapping control.
When performing the SHG control, set this parameter with SV050 (PGN2sp) and SV058 (SHGCsp).
When changing the value, change the value of "#2017 tap_g Axis servo gain".
---Setting range---
1 to 200 (rad/s)