Mitsubishi Electronics IB-1500193(ENG)-D Home Theater Server User Manual

6 - 22
6 Troubleshooting
Alarm No.
NC command error
The travel command data that was received from the CNC was excessive.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
1 Check the alarm No. "34" items.
Alarm No.
NC-DRV communication: Communication error
The communication with the CNC was interrupted.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
1 Check the alarm No. "34" items.
Alarm No.
Initial parameter error
An incorrect parameter was detected among the parameters received from the CNC at the power ON.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
Check if the unit in which the alarm
was detected is servo axis or spindle.
The alarm was detected in servo axis. Check the investigation item No. 2.
The alarm was detected in spindle. Check the investigation item No. 3.
Check the error parameters displayed
on the NC diagnosis screen.
Servo parameters: SV001 to SV065,
Wrong parameters were set.
Correct the parameter setting.
Set the value within the designated
setting range.
The electronic gears are overflowing.
Set SV001, SV002 and SV018 so that
they meet the machine specifications.
The absolute position detection pa-
rameter is valid when OSE104 and
OSE105 are connected. (Absolute po-
sition control cannot be used.)
In order to use the absolute position
control function, an absolute position
option is required.
SV082/bitC to F are the same setting
in one unit.
Correct the setting of SV082/bit0 to B.
SV082/bitC to F are not the same set-
ting in one unit.
Correct to the same setting.
Correct parameters were set. Check the investigation item No. 4.
Check the error parameters displayed
on the NC diagnosis screen.
Spindle parameters: SP001 to SP240
The setting is wrong.
Correct the parameter setting.
Set the value within the designated
setting range.
The set parameters are correct. Check the investigation item No. 4.
The set parameter value is different
from that of the machine specified de-
Change the setting to meet the ma-
chine specifications.
4 Check the alarm No. "34" items.
Alarm No.
NC-DRV communication: Protocol error 1
An error was detected in the communication frames received from the CNC.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
1 Check the alarm No. "34" items.
Alarm No.
NC-DRV communication: Protocol error 2
An error was detected in the axis information data received from the CNC.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
1 Check the alarm No. "34" items.