Mitsubishi Electronics IB-1500193(ENG)-D Home Theater Server User Manual

6 - 16
6 Troubleshooting
Alarm No.
Absolute position data lost
The absolute position was lost, as the backup battery voltage dropped in the absolute position detector.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
Is warning 9F occurring at the same
The warning is occurring. Check the investigation item No. 2.
The warning is not occurring. Check the investigation item No. 3.
Measure the battery voltage with a
tester at the DC range.
Less than 3V.
Replace the battery, and establish the
zero point.
3V or more. Check the NC bus cable connection.
Did alarm No.18 occur when the pow-
er was turned ON the last time?
Alarm No.18 occurred.
Turn the drive unit control power ON
again, and establish the zero point.
Alarm No.18 did not occur. Check the investigation item No. 4.
Was the detector cable or battery ca-
ble left disconnected from the unit for
a long time?
The unit was left disconnected for a
long time.
Guide at delivery: 20 hours or more
After 5 years: 10 hours or more
Turn the drive unit control power ON
again, and establish the zero point.
The cables were not left disconnected. Check the investigation item No. 5.
Check the detector cable or battery
cable connection with a tester.
The connection is faulty. Replace the cable.
The connection is normal. Replace the drive unit.
Alarm No.
Unused axis error
A power module error occurred in the axis whose axis No. selection switch was set to "F" (free axis).
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
1 Check the repeatability.
The error is always repeated. Replace the drive unit.
The state returns to normal once, but
occurs sometimes thereafter.
Check the investigation item No. 2.
Check if there is any abnormality in the
unit's ambient environment.
(Ex. Ambient temperature, noise,
Take remedies according to the causes of the abnormality in the ambient en-
Alarm No.
Sub side detector: Error 5
The machine side detector (CN3 side) detected an error. As details differ for each detector, refer to "Detec-
tor alarm" in 6-2-1.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
1 Check the alarm No. "1B" items.
Alarm No.
Sub side detector: Error 6
The machine side detector (CN3 side) detected an error. As details differ for each detector, refer to "Detec-
tor alarm" in 6-2-1.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
1 Check the alarm No. "1B" items.
Alarm No.
Sub side detector: Error 7
The machine side detector (CN3 side) detected an error. As details differ for each detector, refer to "Detec-
tor alarm" in 6-2-1.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies SV SP
1 Check the alarm No. "1B" items.