Mitsubishi Electronics IB-1500193(ENG)-D Home Theater Server User Manual

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3 Setup
< Setting parameters of a proximity switch >
Set the following parameters when a proximity switch is equipped with the spindle end.
#13227 SP227 SFNC7 Spindle function 7
bit F-C : dis Digital signal input selection
0: No signal 1: Safety observation function door state signal 4: Proximity switch signal detection
Other settings: setting prohibited
#13225 SP225 SFNC5 Spindle function 5
bit 5 : ddir Proximity switch signal enable edge
0: Falling edge 1: Rising edge
#3106 zrn_typ Zero point return specifications
bit F : Spindle zero point detection with contactless switch
0: Normal 1: Enable spindle zero point detection using proximity switch
< Cautions for starting the spindle >
The test operation (acceleration/deceleration, orientation) of the spindle can be executed by setting the initial
parameters, however, check the spindle operation with caution.
- Check the wiring and ensure the safety of the surroundings before starting the operation.
- Do not operate at high-speed rotation at first. After checking that there are no problems as
abnormal noise, vibration, etc. from the spindle at start up with no-load and small S commands,
raise the S commands gradually.
- When vibration or abnormal noise occurs during the test operation, adjust or set the speed gain or
the notch filter.
- For the first check of the orientation, the orientation should be executed gradually from small S